Welcome to MultiracingFSR.com! • Join our growing community of 4367 registered members around the world! • Click here to register!


The MultiracingFSR.com forum, an initiative to promote and spread the RC Model Powerboats in Portugal, was founded on July 20th, 2008.
It's online approximately over 16 years and 8 months and was early recognized as a reference forum in its area of action (fast boats), not only in Portugal but also abroad.

Currently it has 4367 registered users from 250 countries around the world.
Most of them are from PT Portugal (10.37%, 453 members), BR Brazil (9.16%, 400 members) and ES Spain (5.56%, 243 members).
The remaining 3271 members (74.90%) come from different countries, including US United States, IT Italy, FR France and even HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands, MR Mauritania and SX Sint Maarten.

Since it's creation, the MultiracingFSR.com forum maintains registration, viewing and participation completely free, seeking to sustain its existence (housing and traffic), maintenance and development on advertising and sponsoring, some donations and cooperation of several members.
Currently receiving more than 2434000 monthly visits (among registered members and visitors) which corresponds, on average, to 13 pages viewed per visit, the total amount of advertising banners displayed daily in MultiracingFSR.com (at the header, between topics and posts and at the footer of the forum) is more than 3692000. According to the advertised content, the banner's appealing capacity and the recipients' interests, click-through rate varies between 0.03% and 2.90%.

The common interests of forum members and visitors are the rc model boats in general and anything that involves the planning, preparation, construction, repair, development and use in particular.
Their various interests are, among others (in alphabetical order): acrylics, airbrushes, aluminum, antennas, backpacks, bags, balloons, batteries, belts, cables, candles, capacitors, caps, cars, chips, clamps, clocks, clutches, composites, computers, crates, crowns, cups, diagnostic devices, drills, drinks, electronics, engines, fail-safes, fibers, files, fuel, glasses, gloves, glue, gps, hex keys, internet, keys, laminates, lighters, lubricants, lunches, magazines, maps, mechanics, medals, multimeters, nuts, oils, pads, paint, painting, paper, papers, pens, pins, plastic boxes, plastic tubes, pliers, plugs, printers, propellers, pumps, radios, receivers, resin, resistors, rods, rotary tools, rubber, rulers, saws, screwdrivers, screws, servos, shafts, shaping, silicone tubes, silicones, sinks, solder, spanners, springs, sprockets, squares, starters, stickers, switches, tanks, tapes, thermo-retractable sleeves, thinners, trailers, transformers, transmitters, varnishes, voltimeters, washers, watches, woods, wrenches, x-acto knifes, etc...

In MultiracingFSR.com can be advertised any product, service, company or even an event, for a period of time varying between one month and one year, from only € 3 per month(7).
The possible advertising zones are: forum header(1), between topics(2), between posts(3) and forum footer(1).
According to each zone, advertising may be textual(4) or graphical(5)(6).

If you need more information or assistance in preparing your campaign do not hesitate to contact us.

E-mail Advertising Payments Information
NOTE: The values in this page are obtained and calculated in real time based on data in the forum, statistics provided by Google Analytics service and data obtained from the OpenX ad server provided by PontoPT.
(1) visible on all forum pages (examples: Index / Register)
(2) visible between topics, on sub-forums, sections and on topics search (examples: Sub-Forum / Section)
(3) visible between posts, on forum topics and on posts search (example: Topic)
(4) between topics, three lines of text with approximatly 80 characters each, with link on first line
(5) on header and between posts, static (jpg or png) or animated (gif) image or flash animation (swf) with size of 468×60px and 100 KB limit
(6) on footer, static (jpg or png) or animated (gif) image or flash animation (swf) with size of 728×90px and 100 KB limit
(7) single payment, in advance, in total amount of campaign; change of campaign contents is not allowed unless duly justified and accepted by MultiracingFSR.com; reserved the right to disapprove or reject any advertising for any reason without justification.