Welcome to MultiracingFSR.com! • Join our growing community of 4367 registered members around the world! • Click here to register!


Founded 16 years and 7 months ago, MultiracingFSR.com, an initiative to promote and spread the RC Model Powerboats in Portugal, took from the beginning very ambitious objectives...
Always maintaining the registration, viewing and participation completely free, the commitment to promote and spread the initiative has been strong, the adaptation and development of board model constant, the content search, management and selection permanent.
The effort and dedication of all participants in this project and the success of the initiative have been recognized not only in Portugal but also abroad.

Being a non-profit project, designed and implemented primarily by sport lovers, it needs adequate financial support for the continued growth and development, the ongoing promotion and representation and the associated costs with its availability and maintenance.
For all that we invite all those who regularly visit MultiracingFSR.com, or may wish to support this initiative, to contribute symbolically with what they deem appropriate.

Donations may be made by Paypal or Money Transfer, in Euros (EUR), U.S. Dollars (USD), British Pounds (GBP), and othes(1).

Please click on the desired method to see how to make a donation.

With PayPal free service you can comfortably make your donation online to the email donations@multiracingfsr.com

NOTE: Due to Paypal transfer fees, please use this method for donations above 3.00 USD (or equivalent) only.

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NOTE: Please inform us everytime you make a donation so that we can add it to the list of donations received.
(1) you can also make your donation in AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, HKD, HUF, ILS, JPY, MXN, MYR, NOK, NZD, PHP, PLN, SEK, SGD, THB or TWD. For other currencies, please send us an email (using the option on this page) asking about the possibility of sending and receiving involved funds.