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Board Rules

The MultiracingFSR.com forum is an initiative to promote and spread the RC Model Powerboats in Portugal. Its area of action is fast boats in general, in leisure and competition aspects.

In order to keep the forum running well and to prevent problems, please follow these simple rules. If you have any questions or problems, please contact the board administration.

Our goal at MultiracingFSR.com is to keep a fun, clean, family-friendly environment, these rules help ensure that people of all ages and backgrounds will enjoy this board.

These rules may be changed at any time without notice but will always be an announcement on any changes.

  1. General

    1. The term “Member” applies to a person who has registered so that you can use the forum actively or passively. All “Members” have the same rights and duties in the forum and should fully comply with the rules defined.
    2. The registration, viewing and participation in the forum are free. The use of MultiracingFSR.com should always be viewed as a conceiled privilege and not as granted right.
    3. The forum “MultiracingFSR.com”, whose uniform resource locator “URL” is “http://forum.multiracingfsr.com/”, is not responsible for any messages posted by any member and shall not be liable for its contents or how “Members” apply the information described herein.
    4. Never reveal your email password or the password used in MultiracingFSR.com to anyone. The MultiracingFSR.com or its moderators will never ask for login data to anyone. This is important to be mentioned in order to prevent third parties from use our name to get passwords of our members.
    5. MultiracingFSR.com has very specific content geared forums, members are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting to ensure they are posting in the correct forum. This rule is very forgiving, but users who repeatedly post in the wrong forum despite corrections from a moderator may be given a warning.
    6. Members should use an appropriate, descriptive title when posting a new topic. Examples of bad titles include: “Help me!”, “I’m stuck!” etc. Examples of good titles include: “Starting a nitro motor”, “Problem with transmitter”, etc.
    7. MultiracingFSR.com is geared toward a general audience and therefore posts that are sexual in nature, pornographic content, or generally offensive in nature such as text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated and will lead to an immediate warning. If a username is found to be offensive, it will be immediately changed and the user will be requested to choose another, more appropriate username.
    8. Members are not to post obscene, vulgar, racist, graven, offensive, illegal, posts, links or images on MultiracingFSR.com, posting of such content will be removed and could lead to a warning if necessary.
    9. Members are not allowed to use any artifice or method to bypass or avoid the profanity filter.
    10. Members are not allowed to flame other members or groups of members. Flaming includes, but is not limited to: ridiculing, insulting, or demeaning another member or group of members, such behaviour will not be tolerated and may lead to a warning and the offending posts removed or the topic locked.
    11. Members are not allowed to bait other members. Baiting is an attempt to anger and provoke another member. Such behaviour may lead to a warning and offending posts removed or topic locked.
    12. Members are not allowed to harass or abuse other members in topics, private messages, signatures, avatars or profiles. This includes stalking other members, both online and in real life. Such behaviour will lead to a warning or a ban.
    13. Members are not allowed to violate the privacy of other members by publicly posting identifiable personal information about them; e.g. full names, addresses, email addresses or telephone numbers. This includes reposting the contents of private messages or emails without the prior permission of the sender. Exceptions may include notifying a moderator of a violation through private channels such as the board private message system.
    14. Members are not allowed to block the advertisement displayed on the board. The display of advertising is monitored and its blockade will result in automatic access restriction to various contents.
    15. All rules apply to the private messaging system as well, abuse of the Private Messaging system will result in a warning.
    16. Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media, etc. Users linking to or asking for information on warez, crackz, etc. or re-printing material without permission will receive a warning and their post will be removed.
    17. Members are asked not use excessive smilies, not to post using l33t speak, txt speak, abbreviated expletives, posting in ALL CAPS in posts or topics. Repeatedly posting in these methods will result in a warning.
  2. Support

    1. Support is offered via the forums only. Support is not given through private messages, instant messages, or in the chat. The reason for this is that private support only helps one single person, whereas support on the forums benefits everyone. Repeated requests for support through the chat or other private means may constitute a warning.
    2. Members are asked not to abuse the chat or the “post report” by drawing attention to their topic or support question, such actions are considered spam and the user will be warned as needed.
    3. Members are asked to refrain from excessively bumping their topics or support questions until a reasonable amount of time (at least 48 hours) has elapsed, a reasonable amount of time must be allowed to give the moderators and the members to answer the question and or topic. Repeated excessive bumping could result in a warning.
    4. Members are asked to refrain from demanding support from members of MultiracingFSR.com, all members of MultiracingFSR.com give support of their own free-will and such rude behaviour is not welcome and may result in a warning.
    5. Contacting moderators privately (via any method) to ask for support is strictly not allowed. Users contacting moderators privately will be warned as necessary.
    6. Members are asked to not post duplicate topics and or posts, or cross-post topics and or posts. Excessively posting duplicate topics or posts will result in a warning.
  3. Spam

    1. Spam is not tolerated here under any circumstance. This includes offering services (charged and free), solicitation etc. Users posting spam will be warned and their post removed. If you wish to advertise on MultiracingFSR.com, please see the Advertise Page.
    2. Promoting one’s own site or forum is not allowed on MultiracingFSR.com, this includes self promotion, advertising and advertising related posts, notices for contests and show off posts and topics. Users may not promote their site through their posts, such posts are considered spam and may lead to a warning.
    3. Recruiting members for your own website (moderators, designers, developers, etc) in posts and topics is not permitted and is considered spam.
  4. Signature

    1. Members are asked to keep signature images relatively small so that the topics may load quickly.
    2. Signature images are limited to 2 images, a combined size of 50 KB and no larger than 600px wide and 90px high.
    3. Flashy or animated images and flash is not allowed in signature images.
    4. Text sizes must not be larger than a font-size of 100%, 5 lines of text is allowed with no images, or 2 lines of text with images, limited to 200 characters.
    5. Links or email addresses in signatures are not not allowed.
    6. Signature content must adhere to normal board rules with respect to decency.
    7. Signatures may not contain any of the following: Obscene, Racist, Sexually Explicit, Graven / Graphic, Offensive, Illegal or anything deemed Not family friendly. Offensive content will be removed and the user warned.
    8. Signature content may be removed and/or signature permissions revoked if a user dismisses requests by moderators to change or remove content.
  5. Avatar

    1. User defined avatars may contain mild animation. But must not be flashy or attract attention with the animation.
    2. Avatars are limited to 64 KB and no larger than 90px wide and 90px high.
    3. Avatars must not contain an image which attempts to portray the user as having an official status on MultiracingFSR.com (such a mimicking ranks or copying avatars of staff).
    4. Avatars are subject to the same conditions as posts with respect to decency, and so forth.
    5. Avatars may not contain any of the following: Obscene, Racist, Sexually Explicit, Graven / Graphic, Offensive, Illegal or anything deemed Not family friendly. Offensive Avatars will be removed and the user warned.
    6. Avatars may be removed and/or avatar permissions revoked if a user dismisses requests by moderators to change or remove content.
  6. Photo

    1. Photos should show only the user, preferably head portrait document style photo.
    2. Photos are limited to 100 KB and no larger than 150px wide and 200px high.
    3. Photos must not contain elements that attempt to portray the user as having an official status on MultiracingFSR.com.
    4. Photos are subject to the same conditions as posts with respect to decency, and so forth.
    5. Photos may not contain any of the following: Obscene, Racist, Sexually Explicit, Graven / Graphic, Offensive, Illegal or anything deemed Not family friendly. Offensive Avatars will be removed and the user warned.
    6. Photos may be removed and/or photo permissions revoked if a user dismisses requests by moderators to change or remove content.
  7. Moderation

    1. Back seat moderating is not allowed on MultiracingFSR.com. If you notice an issue which may be against board policy, please use the Report Post Feature located on every post, and a Moderator will address the issue. Members who constantly act as moderators will be warned.
    2. Administrators may be required to read specific private messages in an investigation to verify a rule breach or illegal actions through the private message system.
    3. Moderators reserve the right to edit or remove any post at any time. The determination of what is construed as indecent, vulgar, spam, etc. as noted in these points is up to Moderators and not users. MultiracingFSR.com also reserves the right to ban anyone who wilfully violates the forum rules, as access to our forums are a privilege and not a right.
    4. While these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently MultiracingFSR.com reserves the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.
    5. All rules stated here apply to the entire site, including but not limited to chat, private messages, posts and comments.
    6. Members are asked to not contact moderators for moderation (moving/splitting/merging/deleting) of topics or posts. Please instead use the report post feature located on a post. Members are also asked to not abuse the report post feature. Excessively contacting moderators for non-urgent moderation or abusing report post feature may result in a warning.
  8. Warn & Ban

    1. If a member breaches a minor board rule, they will be issued an alert via Private Message by a moderator. This is not counted toward the official warning count of the member.
    2. If the member continues to breach the same Forum Rule, an official Warning will be issued by a moderator.
    3. Arguing with team members after having received a warning will lead to an immediate additional warning. Should this exceed three strikes a suspension (temporary ban) will be put in place.
    4. Any attempt to circumvent a suspension (temporary ban) will lead to that ban being made permanent.
    5. Members who feel they have been unfairly warned are encouraged to contact one of the Administrators.
    6. Rule breaches in the chat such as arguing or flaming or if there is need to promote peace and enforce a short time-out period, a 30 minute to 24 hour suspension may be mandated at moderators discretion. This is not counted towards the official warning total of a member.
    7. Four warnings within 30 days will constitute an immediate permanent ban, warnings will expire after 30 days.
  9. (reserved)

  10. Photography Contests

    1. All members can participate and put photos on these topics.
    2. Each member can only put one photo per contest, without any digital processing or manipulation, with maximum size of 800x600px and minimum size of 640x400px.
    3. Photos in the contest should have a title, must include the author’s name and number of the photo (example: Photo 1: John - Title) and optionally a brief legend or comment.
    4. It may participate any photos which subject is model boats, meaning fast boats, which have been taken by the member or at a boat/model of the member (the original file containing the Exif information may be requested) and which have not yet participated in any previous contests as considered valid for voting.
    5. In case of photo not following d), the member will be asked to carry out the exchange, failure to do so will result in photo being withdrawn from the contest.
    6. If two members put the same picture, the picture that will prevail will be the member who photographed (in detriment of member owner of boat/model).
    7. Exchanging photo during contest is not allowed unless as stated in e) and f).
    8. Photos must be added to the message as attachment (inserted inline). Linking to external sources is not allowed (ie: photobucket, imageshack, etc.).
    9. Photos are accepted until 23h59m of the last day of the contest.
    10. Voting will be conducted during the first 15 days after the last day of the contest.
    11. Each participating member must vote in descending order three photos with scores of 1 to 3 points.
    12. The participating members are required to vote. Failure to do so will result in exclusion of their photo.
    13. It is not allowed to vote in own photo.
    14. In case of double voting, will only be considered the first.
    15. It is allowed to edit the vote only once, those that are edited more times will be excluded.
    16. The remaining forum members may also vote.
    17. In case of a tie by points, the winning photo will be the one with more votes of 3 points, and so on.
    18. The winning photo will automatically participate on the “Photo of the Year” contest, in topic created for that purpose.
    19. There will be a minimum of 8 photos in the annual contest so it’s possible that second and third places might be recapped for participation on “Photo of the Year”.
    20. Recap will be made when the number of photos automatically qualified for the “Photo of the Year” contest is not enough to carry it out (in other words, when there is less than 8 contests during the year).
    21. First, photos which received the same or more points as the less punctuated first place will be admitted to the contest.
    22. If the number of photos is still insufficient, photos which received the same or more points as the less punctuated second place will also be admitted to the contest.
    23. If even this way the number of photos is insufficient, all second and third placed photos will be admitted to the contest.
    24. The contest “Photo of the Year” will be voted for 30 days after its placement and follows k) to p) of these rules.
    25. If there are prizes to be awarded, they will be described in the first post in the topic of each contest.
    26. The topic open for each contest will only have photos of each participant, any other matter shall be removed or discussed in the topic created for this purpose.
  11. Donations

    1. Donating to MultiracingFSR.com is an optional choice of charity (noun: something that is given to a charity, esp. a sum of money), Donating to/Supporting MultiracingFSR.com does not give a member any entitlement to special privileges or status. MultiracingFSR.com does not sell or attempt to sell any products, software or services. A Donation is a non-refundable item considered a “Gift” to support MultiracingFSR.com.
    2. Although Supporters are given a special rank on MultiracingFSR.com, at no time are Supporters exempt from Moderation or any MultiracingFSR.com rule listed on this page. Supporters may still be warned and banned as necessary. Supporters may not demand special treatment or support. Repeated demands for support or special treatment will result in being removed from the Supporters Group without refund and may result in a warning.
    3. As a “Thank you” for donating to MultiracingFSR.com, a public list of Supporters is provided in the Donations Page. Supporters may ask to be kept anonymous or donating amount to be kept confidential. Please note that under no circumstances are supporters “entitled” to any benefits offered by MultiracingFSR.com.
  12. Classifieds

    1. The current cost to advertise on board classifieds is € 1.00 per item and € 5.00 per service.
    2. The cost is three times higher for members registered for less than 30 days, without presentation made at the board or with less than 10 messages posted.
    3. Classifieds are the sole responsibility of the advertisers and MultiracingFSR.com is not responsibille for the tied ads and fastened negotiations between seller and buyer.
    4. Classifieds may only be used for RC model powerboat related ads.
    5. Ads should be placed in the correct section (purchases/searches, sales/offers), any incorrectly placed ads will be amended in section without notice.
    6. Each topic should contain all the information necessary to facilitate and encourage action that is intended, providing wherever possible contacts and correct description of the various items.
    7. The price should be in the advert if it is a sale.
    8. The interaction of various members with the advertiser should preferably be made by private message, email or through the contacts provided in the classified ad, but it is also possible to interact with the member in that topic.
    9. The classifieds must serve the interests of the forum members and not of users who register just to put items for sale. These cases may result in warning, lockout or even suspension.
    10. The member may at any time to update your topic by adding or correcting information.
    11. Each topic will be active on the board for a period of 90 days. After this time the topic may be deleted or blocked.
    12. The forum “search” allows to search for any type of product or word in a specific section of the forum. It should therefore be used whenever you search something specific.
    13. Generic offer ads are not permitted (eg. “we build boats”). In these cases, however, produced goods may be advertised with their description and price.
    14. The classifieds follow the general rules established for the forum.
    15. All ads or messages placed will remain pending and require further approval by moderators.
    16. Payments should be made within 3 days of ad placement by using the available methods in “Payments Information” on the “Advertising” link (at board header).
  13. Outlet

    1. The current cost to advertise on outlet is € 1.00 per item and € 5.00 per service. The generic ads will cost five times higher.
    2. Ads on outlet are the sole responsibility of the advertisers and MultiracingFSR.com is not responsibille for the tied ads and fastened negotiations between seller and buyer.
    3. Ads should be placed in the correct section, any incorrectly placed ads will be amended in section without notice.
    4. Each topic should contain all the information necessary to facilitate and encourage action that is intended, providing wherever possible contacts and correct description of the various items.
    5. It is allowed to sell at a fixed price or at the best offer, with or without minimum price.
    6. The interaction of various members with the advertiser should preferably be made by private message, email or through the contacts provided in the ad, but it is also possible to interact with the member in that topic (especially in case of best offer sells).
    7. The member may at any time to update your topic by adding or correcting information.
    8. Each topic will be active on the board for a period of 90 days. After this time the topic may be deleted or blocked.
    9. The forum “search” allows to search for any type of product or word in a specific section of the forum. It should therefore be used whenever you search something specific.
    10. Generic offer ads are permitted (eg. “we build boats”).
    11. The outlet follow the general rules established for the forum.
    12. All ads or messages placed will remain pending and require further approval by moderators.
    13. Payments should be made within 3 days of ad placement by using the available methods in “Payments Information” on the “Advertising” link (at board header).