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Moderador: Azinheira


Mensagempor nunonina » Seg, 31 Jan 2011, 22:00

Following the main request of our member Acilio (see this post) to scale the Max-Cat's (catamaran) plan to double size, and after his long struggle :xiça with the difficulty of putting so many sheets together, I've plotted him the Max-Cat plan (at double size)...

The artist, my plotter... always ready to plot or cut something:

The plot project:

NOTE: I've also fixed the little error of this plan with the side guides... Plotted both, the wrong ones and the fixed (I think) ones.

Well... to be honest... this was the longest plot job I've ever did... 17 meters of paper:


Plotted job ready to package...

Package already sent from Portugal to Holland... 3 day shipping with tracking code... should be at Acilio's next Thursday or Friday...

As Acilio told me... "- All I want is a monster."
And a monster he will get!!!


Oh boy... this is just 1/6th of the plan... the real length of the monster... 288cm!!!

It's approx. height...

And should be at least 84cm large!!!

Acilio, "- I'm excited and can't wait to get started." - still excited and ready to start building this monster?

As I already said, building such huge hull should be quite impressive...
And I can't wait to follow Acilio's posts and pictures from this monster's building stages...

Acilio, please... do not forget to have your camera at hand all the time... ok?
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