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F1 gas tunnel plans

Para divulgação de planos de Catamaran/Tunnel Hull rádiocontrolados.

F1 gas tunnel plans

Mensagempor jocool05 » Dom, 14 Out 2012, 03:36

I wish to scratch build a gas F1 tunnel hull. I am not able to find plans for one at this time. I have purchased Dunlap plans from Airage store with the intention of enlarging them. The plans I received were so far out in measurments from one bulkhead to the next, they were unusable. Complaint made to the company, guess what, no reply at all. I purchased a Zippkikts Illusion kit. Worst quality kit I have ever seen, rubbish ply and even worse epoxy cowling. Due credit to the company, early reply received and full refund, including my freight back, made.
There are no commercially available hulls here in Australia so I can't purchase one, and freight to here is expensive, making any overseas purchase unviable.
Does anybody have any plans at all that a boat can be scratch built from that I can put my Lawless outboard system on??????????????
I am willing to pay for either paper plans or downloadable pdf plans.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, John.

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Registado: Sex, 17 Ago 2012, 13:36
País: AU Austrália


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